Saturday, May 15, 2010

Western White Honeysuckle?

The previous owner called this unusual plant "peavine," but I've determined it to be a honeysuckle, probably Western white. It hadn't bloomed yet when I took the picture, but it is in bloom now, and looks a lot like this pic at the LadyBird Johnson Wildflower website. I've never seen leaves fused into a circle like these. Interesting plant, probably of interest to hummingbirds.

My friend and I are hoping to take in an herb walk next month. Won't give details, because I want to make sure there's room for us! (Space will be limited, and I want to be there!)

Daisies are blooming now, reminding me of our wedding anniversary. I found a video rendition of a song we had at our wedding. I'll try to post that as the next entry here.

Speaking of husbands, mine noticed a little snake resting in our blackberry vines. The petals have mostly dropped now and the plants are covered with hard little green berries. The little snake was brown and gray mottled. Could have been a copperhead, I suppose, but like I told my dear hubby, most baby snakes are colored like that. Anyway, it doesn't matter if we see a copperhead as long as we avoid being bitten by it, right?

I had an interesting writing assignment a few years back which consisted of writing care instructions for a variety of snake breeds which people keep as pets. It was awful! For several weeks, every hose, electric cord, and shoelace looked like a snake to me! Oh, the horror stories I read about people being swallowed by their python or boa! And according to my research, some people even keep poisonous snakes as pets! They call them "hot" snakes. Yuck, and more Yuck!!

The bottom line is, I don't mind snakes out where they belong, but I don't want them as pets, especially if they are "hot" or large enough to swallow me! But....there is coming a day! Just read Isaiah 11. Here are verses 8 and 9:

"And the sucking child shall play on the hole of the asp, and the weaned child shall put his hand on the cockatrice' den.

They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain: for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea."

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